FLEET Commandor Additional modules

Poolcar module

The Poolcar module is an additional module for the Fleet Commandor system manufactured by SOFTRA Information Systems. The module is designed to manage a pool of cars made available for use by many employees. It makes it easier to book cars for business trips and ad hoc journeys. It introduces order in the schedule and in the travel records.

  • Assigning a vehicle to a pool car group - In the Flota system you can define which vehicles from the available fleet are used as pool cars. Thanks to this, the Poolcar module will only display on the graphics those vehicles that have such a designation.
  • Booking - This module allows you to create a new booking for an employee at any time in the future.
  • Releasing and returning of the vehicle - Enter the required data, i.e. the date and time of the actual start / end of the journey, the status of the meter / fuel at the start / end of the journey. Driver data will be automatically based on the selected employee when booking. You can add a total of 4 drivers for a given trip. Additional data can be entered when releasing and returning the vehicle: notes, external / internal cleanliness Optionally, it is possible to indicate the nature of the journey, in terms of the settlement of lump sums per private km in accordance with the current regulations in this regard.
  • Additional information - In the Notes tab, you can enter any comments in the form of a log for a given journey. In the Other tab, you can enter a number of additional information for the journey, e.g. destination and route.
  • Orders - Alternatively to saving a new BOOKING, a mechanism for saving the so-called ?ORDER? is available. Unlike a booking that concerns a particular vehicle, you can enter an order into the system for a given period of time and for a given employee, but without the need to indicate a specific vehicle. You can assign a vehicle to your order at a later time. Orders can appear in the Fleet system in two ways: entered directly into the rental file of the Poolcar module or by means of an additional module - Fleet WEB, which is designed for employees as a tool for saving orders by a webpage. The Fleet WEB module is an optional additional module integrated with the Poolcar module.

Parking Module

The Parking module supports the management of car parks and parking spaces in the company. Allows you to define any number of car parks with their parameters (symbol, number of seats, address, comments).

  • Allocations - After defining parking areas, you can allocate parking spaces for cars belonging to employees or guests.
  • Reports - After entering the necessary data, you can generate reports on the state of the car park for a given day or the occupancy of a given car park.
  • History - In the Flota system it is possible to assign a parking space when creating a car allocation. Thanks to this, a history of changes in the allocation of parking spaces is also available.

Phones Module

The Phones module is an additional module for the SOFTRA FLEET system, designed to manage the equipment of employees in a company other than vehicles (e.g. mobile phones, SIM cards, modems, computers, etc.)

  • Data record - The employee equipment file contains a full list of information about the status of equipment, both current, assigned to employees and free in the warehouse and archive, which has been e.g. disposed of or sold. Each item is assigned to a given employee and branch or MPK symbol.
  • Details - The module allows you to enter basic data concerning the equipment, such as: name and group of equipment, assignment to the user, dates of release / return and other dates, serial number, comments, etc. If the item concerns a SIM card, you can enter a number of additional parameters such as PIN, PUK or contract with the operator.
  • Documents and protocols - The ?Phones? Module is not only a data record, but also a built-in mechanism for transferring equipment between employees. You can enter the release and return of the equipment. The system stores the full history of previous users of the equipment. The document generation module allows you to create a hardware handover protocol according to any template that contains all automatically completed data from the system, company logo, legal provisions, regulations, etc. The system allows you to create many different templates for documents, writings and printouts. The generated and signed protocol can be stored in the system as an attachment in the form of a scan. The system allows you to store any documents as electronic attachments (e.g. PDF, JPG, XLS, DOC, etc.)
  • Importing phone records - The Phones module has ready-made interfaces for importing phone records from telecommunications companies such as T-Mobile, Polkomtel, Orange. The interface is adapted to always up-to-date files made available by service providers. Depending on the telecommunications service provider, it is possible to import detailed billing containing a record of all events such as calls, SMS, data transmissions, or import billing in the form of a summary of the total quantities and costs to a given phone number. In both cases, phone costs will be imported. These costs during import are automatically broken down by individual employees and by organizational units in which they work, according to the allocation of equipment to the employee in the ?Phones? Module . The system has a built-in function of sending e-mails to employees with attached billing in the form of an XLS file.
  • Reporting module - Both the employee equipment file and the billing import module are the basis for making a number of reports at different levels of detail.

Expense Control Module

The Expense Control Module is an additional module to the Fleet system. Enables greater oversight of spending money on maintaining the car fleet. It allows you to set spending targets and limits by creating a budget plan, as well as monitoring the extent to which the assumed budget for given cost groups has been used or exceeded on an ongoing basis.

  • Budget plan - In the Flota system, you can add any number of budget plans that differ in any element and at the same time monitor the degree of utilization of each of them.
  • Budget Groups - In the section Budget Group you can create as many groups as you like and give them a name. Then add the selected cost groups defined in the Fleet system to the budget group.
  • Assignment of vehicles to the plan - Selected vehicles can be assigned to the budget plan individually or in groups.
  • The value of the budget for a vehicle - For each vehicle, you can define the Value field, i.e. the cost limit that we assume for a given vehicle in a given budget period.
  • Filling budget values data from xls - To avoid the need for time-consuming manual entry of budget values for each vehicle separately, a mechanism for supplying data from xls files is available.
  • Checking the plan - The system makes a comparison of the actual costs of vehicles with the assumed budget plan. The report shall summarise the costs for each budget group and the percentage of their use.