eRENT Rental Valuation

Basic module

The operator of the eRENT application has access to all rental conditions, i.e. rental fees, additional fees (e.g. bringing car to the requested location, child's safety seat, etc.) and information whether the customer has made a security deposit (e.g. deposit or advance payment). The application informs the operator about a number of relevant billing information. All of the above information is taken from the order previously entered into the FLEET RENT system.

Advanced Module

The full pricing management module gives the mobile application operator even more possibilities:

  • editing the rental rate (within the defined minimum price)
  • adding additional fees
  • adding the fact of collecting the deposit, advance payment, deposit

The valuation can be supplemented with additional items, e.g. sentence delay, etc. In case of extension / shortening of the lease or e.g. exceeding the km limit by the customer, the valuation can be updated automatically by adding appropriate items to the valuation.